Many QI projects fail to achieve expected goals for a number of reasons. There are several factors to recognize when initiating a QI project such as involvement and engagement of your healthcare team and stakeholders1.
It’s imperative to start your QI project with leadership support, identify colleagues that should be on your team, identify workflows and gaps and use a QI process for data collection and ongoing re-assessment2.
One important QI barrier identified by a survey of acute care hospital senior managers responsible for QI is not having time and problems with staff prioritizing QI projects with other responsibilities3.
Having access to a QI specialist can help you with your preparation, planning and execution throughout your QI project to achieve your goals.
1. Silver SA, Harel Z, McQuillan R et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 May 6; 11(5): 893–900. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4858490/
2. Zoutman DE & Ford BD. Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2017 Feb 13;30(1):16-24. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28105882/
3. Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative https://malnutritionquality.org/starting-qi/
- View the recordings from the 4-part webinar series
- Apply for 1:1 sessions with a QI Specialist after completing 4-part webinar series (1:1 sessions available FEB 1-SEP 30, 2023)
The 4-part webinar series is for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Registered Nurses, and other clinicians working in a healthcare environment interested in implementing an enteral nutrition quality improvement (QI) project. Upon completion of the training course, participants will successfully develop and be prepared to execute a quality improvement project in their institution. Registered Dietitians# and Registered Nurses^ are eligible for 4 CE credits.
The 4-part webinar series has already taken place. You can access the recordings on this page.
Part 1: Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Getting Started
- Explain the importance of quality improvement in healthcare
- Describe a standard change management approach and the four stages involved with the change curve
- Identify the appropriate team members for a successful QI project
- Describe the eight steps to the change management process
- Identify five key items to write an AIM statement
Part 2: Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Putting Your Plan in Place
- Explain what a PDSA cycle is and how to use
- Describe how to complete a Stakeholder analysis
- Explain the process of value stream mapping
- Describe resources available to complete a root cause analysis
Part 3: Quality lmprovement in Healthcare: Collecting Data and Project Implementation
- Describe a successful approach to collecting baseline data both historical and new data
- Identify useful tools to demonstrate analytical data
- Explain how to complete an implementation plan
- Describe what is needed to complete a communication plan
- Identify resources used to collect data post implementation
Part 4: Quality lmprovement in Healthcare: Crossing the Finish Line
- Explain the steps of a QI project utilizing the PDSA cycle
- Describe how change management is utilized throughout a QI project
- Explain data / outcomes from QI project effectively to medical team and administration
- Apply lessons learned using the PDSA cycle through a real-life example

#Nestlé Health Science is a Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Registered Nurses will receive up
to 4 CE credits for completion of this program. CPE Accredited Provider
Number NE008.
^Nestlé Health Science is a Continuing Education Provider approved by
the California Board of Registered Nursing; Provider Number 11366.