Enact® - Quality Improvement Through Nutrition

Successful Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives have the power to elevate the value of nutrition by demonstrating improvements in patient outcomes that may reduce the clinical and financial risks associated with specific conditions.
Through ENact®, Nestlé Health Science is committed to working with healthcare providers and administrators to elevate the profile of evidence-based nutrition in the clinical setting through the adoption of QI nutrition initiatives.
The 3 fundamentals of the ENact® QI Program

ENact® Quality Improvement Grants
ENact QI Grants support nutrition QI projects addressing the delivery of enteral nutrition care and the optimization of patient outcomes while elevating the value of nutrition and nutrition champions in patient care.
ENact® QI Training Course
This 4-part webinar series is for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Registered Nurses, and other clinicians working in a healthcare environment interested in implementing an enteral nutrition quality improvement (QI) project. Upon completion of the training course, participants will successfully develop and be prepared to execute a quality improvement project in their institution. Registered Dietitians# and Registered Nurses^ are eligible for 4 CE credits.
Access Resources & Tools for this training course here