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Supporting the Feeding of Patients during COVID-19

What to Feed

Nutrition / ONS Guidance for Community-dwelling Adults with COVID-19
Nutrition / ONS Guidance for Community-dwelling Adults with COVID-19

Provides nutrition/ONS guidance for community-dwelling adults with COVID-19.

Nutrition/Oral Nutritional Supplement Guidance for Facility-based Adult Residents with COVID-19
Nutrition/Oral Nutritional Supplement Guidance for Facility-based Adult Residents with COVID-19

Provides Nutrition / ONS Guidance for Facility-based Adult Residents with COVID-19

ONS Guidance for Hospitalized Non-ICU Patients with COVID-19
Nutrition/Oral Nutrition Supplement Guidance for Hospitalized, Non-ICU Patients with COVID-19

Nutrition/ONS guidance for feeding hospitalized, non-ICU adult patients with COVID-19

Critical Care and Surgery Nutrition Therapy Guide: EN selection for Medical & Surgical ICU
Critical Care and Surgery Nutrition Therapy Guide: EN selection for Medical & Surgical ICU

Nutrition Selection Guide outlining EN options for Critical Care and Surgical patients

Protein Intake, Nutritional Status, and Outcomes in ICU Survivors=
Meeting Recommended Protein Requirements in Critically Ill Patients
Meeting Recommended Protein Requirements in Critically Ill Patients

Card highlighting appropriate protein levels recommended based on condition in the critical care nutrition guidelines

Increased Protein Delivery with Hypocaloric Protocol May Be Associated with Lower 30-Day Mortality by Juan Ochoa, et al.
Use of a Very High Protein Enteral Formula Assists in Meeting the Protein Needs of Patients Receiving Intravenous Sedation with Propofol by Wieser JL, et al
Early Introduction of a Semi-Elemental Formula May Be Cost Saving Compared to a Polymeric Formula Among Critically Ill Patients by Curry
Nutrition and Health Benefits of Semi-Elemental Diets: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature by Alexander, et al.
Nourishing the Dysfunctional Gut and Whey Protein by Abrahao
Nourishing the Dysfunctional Gut and Whey Protein by Abrahao

Study summary of Abrahao on Gut Dysfunction and Whey