The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy: A Clinical Perspective

About this Webinar
• Identify several factors that affect the development of early life microbiome
• Discuss the effect of an infant’s microbiome on cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)
• Explain the role of the gut on the development of oral tolerance and immune mediated diseases, like CMPA
• Demonstrate how probiotics and prebiotics may play an important factor in the gut microbiome of infants with CMPA with potential for inducing tolerance to cow milk protein
Financial support provided by Nestlé Health Science.
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- Describe any professional gaps that were identified as a result of viewing this presentation. Do you plan to change your current practice? if so, what can you or your team change that you are not currently doing?
- What barriers or limitations do you anticipate when it comes to implementing a change to your practice. How can you overcome such barriers?
- What do you or your team need to learn more about to improve knowledge, competence and/or patient care?
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