Bridging the Gap: Mastering Continuity of Care for the Tube-Fed Patient Discharged to Home

About this Webinar
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe examples of effective communication between the hospital team, home care providers, and patient/caregiver to ensure seamless transitions of care for tube-fed patients
2. Describe clinical evidence-based strategies and health economic outcomes to adjust tube feeding regimens in the home setting
3. Explain the appropriate type and quality of documentation used to justify specialty tube feeding formula as reasonable and necessary in the home care setting
One CPEU is awarded in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program for registered dietitians. Provider NE008
One contact hour is available for Registered Nurses. Nestlé Health Science is a Continuing Education Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 11366.
This program has been pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide 1.0 continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs).
There is no charge for participating in this program
By your participation in this event, you are declaring that your participation is in compliance with the laws of your state and presents no conflict of interest with your facility's policies and procedures.
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