Reimbursement Resources
Enteral nutrition reimbursement is reviewed on a case by case basis and requires specific documentation of medical conditions and proof of medical necessity. Enteral nutrition in the home setting is most often supplied by a durable medical equipment (DME) provider. Coverage guidelines will differ by insurance plan. Healthcare Professionals are encouraged to provide thorough letters of medical necessity and associated documentation in order to improve the likelihood of coverage for their patients.
Nestlé has provided the resources on this page to assist practitioners with navigation and proper documentation of nutrition claims.

Reimbursement Support Program
The formula4success® Program is committed to increasing access to, and coverage for, Nestlé formulas. In addition to the support formula4success® offers patients and caregivers, we are also able to provide helpful information and resources to providers of home enteral nutrition. Our dedicated Reimbursement Specialists are available to help with your most challenging denials for coverage. To learn more, contact formula4success® today.
Contact us at 844-283-0365
Letters of Medical Necessity
- Addendum to Letter of Medical Necessity
Identify specific elements of documentation to include when seeking enteral nutrition coverage for your patients. - Alfamino®
- BOOST® Kid Essentials™ 1.0
- BOOST® Kid Essentials™ 1.5
- Compleat®
- Compleat® Pediatric
- Compleat® Pediatric Reduced Calorie
- Compleat® Original 1.5
- Compleat® Pediatric Original 1.5
- Compleat® Organic Blends
- Compleat® Pediatric Organic Blends
- Compleat® Peptide 1.5
- Compleat® Pediatric Peptide 1.5
- Peptamen® 1.5
- Peptamen® 1.5 with Prebio1™
- Peptamen AF®
- Peptamen® Intense VHP
- Peptamen® with Prebio1™
- Peptamen Junior®
- Peptamen Junior® 1.5
- Peptamen Junior® Fiber
- Peptamen Junior® HP
- Peptamen Junior® with Prebio1™
- ThickenUp® Clear
- Tolerex®
- Vivonex® Pediatric
- Vivonex® Plus
- Vivonex® RTF
- Vivonex® T.E.N.