Breaking Down Protein in Pediatric Food Allergy: A Conversation with the Experts
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Course Description
Explore the various protein sources used in pediatric formulas and learn how protein quality, digestibility and allergenicity play a role in pediatric food allergies. Learn from experts in their field how to implement current guidelines into practice to improve patient outcomes.
Course Objectives
1. Differentiate protein sources used in pediatric feeding by understanding the differences in protein quality, digestibility, and allergenicity
2. Explain the unique features of extensively hydrolyzed protein compared to free amino acids
3. Review how protein sources have evolved to meet the nutritional needs of infants with food allergies
4. Identify and implement current guidelines and future strategies for the nutritional management and potential outgrowth of food allergies in pediatric patients
Continuing Education
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Nestlé Health Science awards CPEUs in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program.
Provider Number NE008. Activity Type for Dietitians: Self Study (741 Enduring)
Nestlé Health Science is a Continuing Education Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing; Provider Number 11366.